Tuesday, November 21, 2006

25 Movies From 2006 I Want to See (And more thoughts..)

As requested by Nico, I'm going to post a list of 25 films from 2006 that I have yet to see, but strongly want to. When I originally said 25...it was a number off of the top of my head. Going along with the suggestion though, I decided to use the number as a guideline so that the list doesn't become overlong. I've opted to not place them in any specific order, as how badly I want to see something depends on my mood.

1) Manderlay-Sequel to Dogville. There is a third on the way so I've gotta catch up!
2) Sophie Scholl: The Final Days- I have this in my possesion now, so a short review will be up soon.
3) Night Watch-I own this movie and just have yet to watch it. If I own things they tend to get put on the backburner just because I know they're always there...arg
4) Evil
5) The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things
6) L'Enfant
7) Somersault

8)Lady Vengeance- I wasn't a big fan of Old Boy, but the reviews for this part of the series have me curious.
9) Revoloution- This isn't a typo. It's RevoLOUtion.
10) Love + Hate
11) The Proposition

12) Russian Dolls- Sequel to L'Auberge Espagnol
13) An Inconvenient Truth-I'm curious what all the fuss is about. We've all known about global warming for years, and Al Gore makes a movie so suddenly people care?(Yes I know Al Gore didn't actually MAKE the movie. Or the internet.)
14) Peaceful Warrior- Based on a good book....
15) American Hardcore
16) The Motel- I think Nico would watch this movie just based on the poster. See the bottom of the post.
17) Kill Your Idols
18) A Scanner Darkly
19) America: Freedom to Facism

20) Scoop- I'm sorry, I'm a Woody Allen mark.
21) This Film is Not Yet Rated
22) Sherrybaby- Don't we all love Maggie?
23) The Last Kiss
24) A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints

25) Tideland- Anything could be better than The Brothers Grimm, Terry.

There you have it. Now...2006 isn't quite over....so here are a couple of upcoming movies I'm looking forward to:
Apocolypto- I'm not very fond of Mel Gibson the person. He's obviously got some issues. But when it comes down to it, with the exception of The Passion of the Christ (which was only well received thanks to throngs of Christian fans, and in reality a very pretty, but very bad movie) he makes good movies. Apocolypto is about a culture that gets very little attention in the history books of the United States, and so it has struck my interest.
Blood Diamond- Shockingly bad accent on the part of DiCaprio aside, this movie looks to be a decent action/drama.
Eragon- I'm completely ignorant about the book series, but the geek in me leaked out when I saw the poster and trailer for this film.
The Pursuit of Happyness- I know what you're saying, "But Cubby, it's WILL SMITH!" Let's all just ask him to borrow the Men in Black mind eraser so we can forget about I, Robot and check this out, okay?
Rocky Balboa- Rocky VI. A shockingly bad idea for a movie. Terrible. No way should it have gone into production. So...why is the trailer for this so good? I've got my hopes up now.
We Are Marshall- Movies like this definately give me that feel good vibe. (You know, aside from a whole football team dying at the beginning...) Plus having Matthew Fox and Ian McShane is going to get my attention.
Pan's Labyrinth- I'm probably most looking forward to this. del Toro has had me in anticipation mode ever since I first read an interview in which he discussed the plot.

Yesterday (Or does it count as today? Overnight shifts make things more ambiguous than Dave's lifestyle choices...) I watched Down in the Valley. I had been a little surprised that a movie with Ed Norton had gotten so little attention, but I suppose that's just the way a lot of film making and distributing is going these days.

The movie also stars Evan Rachael Wood, who plays Tobe (Short for October. Nice name.) Tobe meets and falls for an older "cowboy" who's apparently unaccustomed to the ways of California. I'll leave the plot at that, as there are a few twists. Saying twists is a bit generous though, because although the story changes greatly with certain revelations...the movie fails to make them feel very impactful. The acting is solid, especially the lead roles, but the pacing of the story fails to really get anyone to CARE.

I give it two and a half "Cowboy? Hats" out of seven.


Nico said...

That poster totally makes me want to see it! Looks like the BEEZ-KNEEZ!

I’m surprised “Fast Food Nation” isn’t in your 25, unless you’re in some “impress-the-foreign-film-lovin’-imaginary-art-chicks-that-look-at-this-blog” type of mood? Not saying you can’t be, but just surprised... Licklater does that and a “Scanner Darkly.” I’m interested in SD, due to the concept and great style (like that of “Waking Life” although I REALLY didn’t like “Waking Life”) I think FFN looks more intriguing.

Night Watch = must see

obito said...

Wow, good choice of movies. I wanted to see alot of those too. I'm with Nico as well, where is Fast Food Nation. That's something I definitely thought you'd wanna see.

Cubby said...

I guess I kind of want to see Fast Food Nation. Thing is, I didn't care for the book. AND the book is non fiction. So...a fictional stoyline based movie about a non-fiction expose style book? I dunno.